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Data Protection & Privacy

Generally, all the data collected about you will be stored on the servers of KTH University (Within European Union's digital borders) and stored by at least the end of the experiment. We fully comply with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for the matters of handling personal data collected from our participants at any level. On top of that we are bound to additional data protection regulations set by KTH to insure the safety of our participants data.


You are a data subject if any information or data about you has been collected (with your consent) in the course of our research. Therefore, you will have complete control over your data. In cases where there might be any physical or psychological effect on the research subject, an ethical review will be submited to the authorities in Sweden. Such experiment will not take place unless the ethical approval has been granted. The participants will also be informed on all the risks and benefits of each study.

Participation in all our studies are voluntary, and all the participants can withdraw from the participation at any time before, during, or after the experiment and the data collection.


As a participant you will be given an informed consent form before any data collection or experiment stating:

  • What data we will collect about you,
  • For how long they will be stored,
  • Where they will be stored,
  • For which purposes your data will be analyzed,
  • Who can access your file,
  • All the protocols with which you can manipulate and have control over your data, such as deletion, change access, move server, etc.
  • And all the other details necessary for your to access and understand the experiments + data collection and protection.

You will receive all these information about your participation in a consent form where you can read and ask your questions about it before the experiment and data collection and if you do not want to agree you could withdraw your participation. For the interviews, you will receive the informations at the beginning of the meeting and we will proceed if you agree with the terms.


For the participants who are younger than 16 years of age, a comprehensive consent form will be given to the parent or legal guardian of the child for review and sign. The consent form will contain all the details mentioned above as for adults, which a parent or guardian can sign instead of the child. In addition, a simplified version of such consent form will all the same details as the main consent form will be given to the child participant. The experiment with minors (under 16 years of age) does not take place unless both parent and the child give consent to participate in the study.


For all the matters regarding your personal data, such as withdraw, deletion, or modification you can directly contact the main responsible researchers of this project: Alireza Mahmoudi Kamelabad or Dr. Gabriel Skantze.

Main Researchers

Alireza Mahmoudi Kamelabad
Alireza Mahmoudi Kamelabad doctoral student
Gabriel Skantze
Gabriel Skantze professor

Data Protection Officer

In case of any dispute with the main researchers about your personal data, or if you have any concerns, you can directly contact the appointed Data Protection Officer of KTH Royal Institute of Technology. The officer will make sure that you get your rights over your data seamlessly.